42 research outputs found

    Structural stability and Na-Ca exchange selectivity of soils under sugarcane trash management

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    Thesis (M.Ag.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Soil and Water, 200

    Translation Strategies of English Idiomatic Expression in Sherlock Holmes "The Six Thatcher" Film

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    This research aimed to discuss about types of idiomatic expression and strategies used by the translator to translate Sherlock Holmes "The Six Thatcher" film. This research based on two theories, they were: verb+object, prepositional phrase, compound, simile, binomials, trinomial, and whole sentences. And also use Baker's theory to find out the strategies used which mentioned five ways of handling idioms as follows: using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form, translation by paraphrase, translation by omission, and compensation. The method used in this research was descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used note taking as instrument in order to get the valid data. As the result of the research, it was found that there were 33 data found in Sherlock Holmes "The Six Thatcher" film. The researcher concluded that the idioms type compound is the most widely type of idiom used. Meanwhile the most preferred strategies applied by the translator in translating an idiom subtitle Sherlock Holmes "The Six Thatcher" film is strategy of translating an idiom by similar meaning but dissimilar form

    Capability of APSIM-Oryza to stimulate lowland rice-based farming systems under nitrogen treatments in a tropical climate

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    Rice is the most important crop in Asia and the staple food for most of the world’s population. Due to the overwhelming importance of this crop, modelling rice-based farming systems will provide valuable help to compare experimental research findings across regions, extrapolate field experimental data to wider environments, develop management recommendations and decision-support systems, explore effects of climate change and adaptation options, and prediction of crop yield. There is an increasing demand for the capability to simulate rice-based cropping systems, especially in Asia. Such a system capability will allow expanded investigation of nitrogen dynamics, crop sequencing, intercropping, crop residue management and soil and water management. Incorporation of the ORYZA2000 rice model(Bouman and van Laar, 2006) into APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM-Oryza) together with recent work on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in transitional flooded/non-flooded systems(Gaydon et al., 2009) has facilitated long-term simulation of lowland rice-based farming systems scenarios. However, the capability of APSIM-Oryza to simulate rice-based crop sequences involving other crops has undergone limited testing to this point and under a variety of crop management practices and cropping systems. In this paper, we detail testing of the APSIM-Oryza simulation model against an experimental dataset involving lowland rice-rice-soybean crop rotation in West Nusa Tenggara Province(NTB) Indonesi


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    Islam came to this archipelago, not in an empty culture of society. Cultural practices are actually accommodated and adopted and then Islamized. Islam does not displace the culture that lives in a society where Islam comes to enlighten the faith of the people. Islam straightens, gives value, meaning and reinforcement of a culture that has lived a long time in a preached society. There are three patterns of the spread of Islam in Nusantara, namely; integrative, dialogic, and integrated dialogic-integrative. These three patterns can be witnessed in religious traditions and rituals that are still practiced by the society until today. This research is a literature research (library research) that discusses the concepts around cultural acculturation in relation to the tradition of the maulid of the prophet. In the prophet's maulid there are various traditions such as in Yogyakarta as commemorated by the tradition of grebek mulud. In South Kalimantan there is a Baayun Mulud tradition. Maudu Lompoa around Cikoang Takalar, South Sulawesi. Then Babaca Maulid Nabi combined with the tambourine strains in Ternate. While in West Sumatra, known as Malamang and Mulud Badikia.Islam hadir di Nusantara bukan dalam masyarakat hampa budaya. Praktik budaya justru diakomodir dan diadopsi kemudian diislamisasi. Islam tidak menggusur budaya yang hidup dalam masyarakat di mana Islam datang untuk mencerahkan akidah umat. Islam meluruskan, memberi nilai, makna dan penguatan terhadap budaya yang sudah hidup lama dalam satu masyarakat yang didakwahinya. Ada tiga pola penyebaran Islam di kepulauan Nusantara, yaitu; integratif, dialogis, dan gabungan dialogis-integratif. Ketiga pola tersebut dapat disaksikan dalam tradisi dan ritual keagamaan yang masih dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat Nusantara sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian literatur (library research) yang membahas tentang kajian konsep seputar akulturasi budaya kaitannya dengan tradisi maulid nabi. Pada maulid nabi ada banyak yang tradisi yang bervariatif seperti di Yogyakarta ada tradisi grebek mulud. Di Kalimantan Selatan terdapat tradisi Baayun Maulid. Maudu Lompoa di sekitar Cikoang Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. Kemudian Babaca Maulid Nabi dipadu dengan alunan rebana di Ternate. Sementara di Sumatera Barat dikenal dengan Malamang dan Mulud Badikia.


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    Elephant food yam (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) is an important tuber plant that is grown in most of the tropical countries including Indonesia and is a very profitable export commodity. Soil nutrients availability is one of the most important factors that determine the production of elephant food yam plants. However, there is no single nutrient source, either from inorganic fertilizers or organic fertilizers or biological fertilizers, which is able to meet all the nutrient needs of the plants grown. Therefore, integrated nutrient management (INM) of elephant food yam plants seems to be a way out to maintain sustainable production and increase profitability. This paper reviews the results of research on various issues of INM-based production management for elephant food yam plants and analyzes the extent of research on the use of INM both in Indonesia and abroad. The benefits of integrated nutrient management are well documented for vegetable crops. However, it is still very little available for elephant food yam plants, especially in Indonesia. Integrated nutrient management (INM) is a very important technological innovation to be applied to elephant food yam cultivation. Elephant food yam is a high nutrient consumeplant, so a wise and precise combination of inorganic and organic fertilizers as well as bio-fertilizer will result in sustainable and sinergistic use of soil nutrients of elephant foot yams. Therefore, recommendations for research need for INM of elephant food yam should be carried out in order to increase the production of it in a sustainable manner

    Water saving technology package to improve shallot productivity for smallholder farmers in eastern Indonesia

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    Dryland usage for shallot cultivation is very potential in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province Indonesia. However, its utilization is faced with various obstacles such as soil low fertility, limited water availability, and high pest and disease attacks. Currently, farmers apply flood and furrow irrigation methods for shallot cultivation in NTB Province, which may not suitable on dryland, especially on coarse texture soils. The purpose of this study was to obtain a package of water-saving technology to increase the productivity of shallots in the dryland of NTB. There were three treatments of technology packages tested laid as Randomized Block Design: A (Trichoderma sp., bio-urine liquid fertilizer, sprinkler irrigation; B (bio-urine liquid fertilizer, furrow irrigation); and C (farmer practice), involving farmer group members from planning to evaluating for the technology package that being tested. The amount of water used was measured using a water meter. The results showed that package A had achieved the highest shallot yield at 31.6 tons ha-1, which was 14% and 45% higher compared to package B and C, respectively. Package A was also able to save water irrigation for 62.1% and 95.8% compared to package B and C, respectively. Thus, sprinkler irrigation not only can increase shallot yield but also better in saving water irrigation. Penggunaan lahan kering untuk budidaya bawang merah di Nusa Tenggara Barat sangat potensial. Namun hal tersebut terkendala oleh beberapa masalah seperti rendahnya kesuburan tanah, terbatasnya air irigasi, dan tingginya gangguan hama dan penyakit. Saat ini, petani di NTB mengairi tanaman bawang merah dengan cara direndam atau leb yang belum tentu sesuai dengan kondisi lahan kering terutama pada tanah dengan tekstur berpasir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan paket teknologi hemat air yang dapat meningkatkan hasil dan pendapatan budidaya bawang merah di lahan kering. Ada tiga perlakuan paket teknologi yang ditata dengan rancangan acak kelompok yaitu A (Trichoderma sp., pupuk organik cair bio-urine, dan irigasi curah); B (pupuk organik cair bio-urine, dan pengairan leb), dan paket C (cara petani: pengairan leb). Penelitian ini melibatkan petani mulai dari perencanaan sampai evaluasi paket teknologi yang diujikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paket A menghasilkan produksi tertinggi sebesar 31,6 t ha-1, atau 14% dan 45% ebih tinggi dari paket B dan C. Paket A juga mampu menghemat air irigasi sebanyak 62,1% dan 95,8% dibandingkan dengan paket B dan C. Dengan demikian, penggunaan irigasi curah mampu meningkatkan hasil dan menghemat air irigasi


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    Household waste is the main source of waste accumulation, both organic waste and inorganic waste. The size and lifestyle of each household can be used as a reflection of the amount of waste produced. Waste will increase if it is not processed and of course it will cause risks such as disease and strong odors. Until now, the waste problem has not been resolved properly, therefore, in this mentoring activity, outreach and application of one product from household organic waste, namely eco-enzyme, is carried out. The method of assistance is through counseling and practicing how to apply eco-enzymes so that people can utilize and apply eco-enzymes well. The results of mentoring activities show that the activity was welcomed enthusiastically by the community from the start of the activity to the end. Furthermore, after the extension activities, the implementing team succeeded in assisting the community to be able to apply good eco enzymes in this case to garden plants. The evaluation results showed an increase in knowledge of 75% and skills of 65%

    Pengaruh Keterampilan Sosial terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Pengurus UKK-KOPMA UIN Antasari Banjarmasin

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    Organization is a group formed in order to achieve specified goals. This goal can be achieved if the management in it has a good organizational commitment. There are several factors that influence a person in increasing his organizational commitment. One of them is a factor in him, namely in the form of social skills. So the existence of this study aims to determine the effect of social skills on organizational commitment UKK-KOPMA UIN Antasari Banjarmasin. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a significant positive effect between social skills and organizational commitment. This research is quantitative with purposive sample sampling technique. The research data collection instrument used a Likert scale model and data analysis used simple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the significant value of the influence of social skills on organizational commitment is 0.048 lower than the significant standard, namely 0.05 (0.048 <0.05), which means that there is an influence between social skills and organizational commitment of the UKK-KOPMA management at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin for the period 2018/2019. . Then, the R square value is 0.096, which means that the social skills variable has an influence on organizational commitment by 9.6% and the rest is influenced by other factors

    Analisis Problema Pembelajaran Daring Terhadap Pendidikan Karakter Peserta Didik

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    Pendidikan karakter merupakan perwujudan dalam mencapai generasi yang cerdas dan mampu memiliki akhlak dan kepribadian yang berguna bagi bangsa Indonesia.  Suksesnya pendidikan dilihat dari seberapa besar karakter mereka ketika bisa menyeimbangkan kognitif, afektif dan psikomotornya untuk menjadi manusia yang sempurna. Pada tahun 2020 telah terjadi pandemi Covid – 19 yang menyebabkan semuanya berubah pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan disekolah berubah sesuai dengan aturan pemerintah dilaksanakan dirumah dengan daring atau belajar dengan jarak jauh. Penelitian yang dilakukan sekarang ialah deskriptif kualitatif dengan studi literatur yang berusaha memberikan gambaran solusi permasalahan pembelajaran daring terhadap pendidikan karakter peserta didik di sekolah menengah pertama. Naskah ini menampilkan problema pembelajaran daring, dampak pembelajaran daring terhadap pendidikan karakter peserta didik, solusi dan pemecahan masalah. Penelitian ini memakai studi pustaka / studi literatur, dengan mengkaji dari beberapa hasil penelitian, artikel, ebook dan studi kasus yang terjadi dilapangan